I’m an Athlete

Diane Nelson Dezura
3 min readDec 18, 2020

There I’ve said it. But when I look in the mirror at the wider waist, the saggy knees and untoned arms…I don’t feel much like one. The younger athlete in me, years ago competed in National and International competitions. My days revolved around training sessions and practice and competing. Now, my days just spin around school lunches and pick-ups and drop offs. Making sure forms are completed and checks are sent so everyone gets into all their classes and activities and field trips. Groceries and snacks and dinners. Do the kids have rain jackets that fit and boots for the snow.

The problem is, once you have been an athlete, you always think of yourself that way. Sure I could run a marathon or maybe even be a triathlete. Running in the sun, strong and tan. Sure it’s a bit of training. It’s easy to imagine. After all I know how to train. I just have to do it. I could do it anytime I put my mind to it. Probably just like quitting smoking. Or going vegan.

Recently, I came to the quite sane realization, I would never become a Triathlete. Thank God! And I was ok with that. Quite relieved actually. It did seem like a lot of work.

Then my girlfriend told me about something called a Sprint Triathlon and the athlete in me came alive again. It’s only a half mile swim, 12.5 mile bike ride and just over a three mile run. I could do that. Right? Then I could say I “participated” in something that sounds a lot like a marathon. Does anyone really check (or care) what kind of a marathon it is? And I like that this one is called a sprint. It sounds quick. For all intents and purposes, it’s a “marathon” and that would let me tick it off my list. Was this the opportunity that would make my “dream” into a reality? It’s like a tiny triathlon. Certainly I can do that. So I begin to plan.

First part is the swim. I might have some trouble with the swim part. I can’t. Swim I mean. Not really. I can tread water in a backyard pool all day. My husband actually seems to be impressed with my skill in this area. But that isn’t going to get me through half a mile of open water.

1. “Need to book some swimming lessons”

The next part is the bike portion of what I am not even referring to as a race. If I ever get to the start of this event…it certainly will not be a “race”. It will be a “finish” or maybe even a “try”. Biking seems to be the easiest part. Although I don’t currently own a bike. And the last time we rented them as a family, I trailed behind everyone claiming I wanted to make sure none of the kids veered off the trail and I would keep an eye on them. But in fact, I was tired and bored and counting the minutes until we were done. I do have a bike helmet from a past life where I actually did own a bike. I think the last time I wore it was for a charity bike ride, and someone told me I had my helmet on backwards. Biking might not be as easy as I thought. I have work to do.

2. “Need a bike”

And then there is the run. Here I hit a real bump in the road to my goal. I don’t like to run. I actually hate it. Three miles. I don’t even see me able to complete this. And that’s a problem. As an athlete you need to visualize yourself being successful. Swimming, biking, running. And because I don’t swim, I can’t imagine me swimming. Biking…I can kind of see that happening, if I had a bike. But the running? I stopped running years ago when I stopped training.

Could this be the end of the road for my dream of completing a marathon?

But wait…my girlfriend just sent me something about people who walk the marathon. Apparently it’s only half the marathon. And it’s walking. But it has that word “marathon”. Where do I sign up?



Diane Nelson Dezura

Diane is an aspiring writer living on the West Coast of Canada with her husband and two kids.